Guest blog post on THE PLANETARY SOCIETY

My passion for science, and the personal growth that studying it has fostered, was forced out of my brain and onto the page in watching a mere 10 minute clip of the ‘Creation Debate’ between Bill Nye and Ken Hamm. The result was  ‘A Mission: Actresses for STEM post’, which lead ultimately to the formation of Scirens.  Thus, it was a serendipitous and exciting moment when Emily Lakdawalla from The Planetary Society, the nonprofit space exploration and education foundation founded by Carl Sagan and now run by Bill Nye, reached out to repost my ‘Why Cosmos should Matter… especially to Hollywood’ piece. I am so touched that the thoughts I explored were of interest to these amazing folks and their audience. Please check out their site and projects  — it’s not just education; they are creating and finding the funding for new space and research missions themselves. It is truly awe inspiring.


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